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The Model Portfolio | 8-10% Dividend Yield

Using an equal-weighted average performance for all the positions in our Model Portfolio and adding the performance of our "sold positions", our portfolio returns were stellar. Performance is updated and posted on a quarterly basis (every 3 months).

8-10% Dividend Yield Target

Are You Prepared for the Next Recession

At High Dividend Opportunities, we are continuously monitoring macro-economic conditions, and company-specific news, adjusting our investment strategy when needed. As a member, you get access to our latest views in the high-yield space, and how they are impacted by ongoing market and economic changes. We always remind our members that keeping the health of the global economy and market conditions in mind is more than 50% of the due diligence required for successful investing. By joining us, you will stay on top of issues that matter the most to your investments and hard-earned money. We all need high income in both good and bad times. This is our mission for you and you don't need to be left out!

Happy HDO Member

"I've been an HDO member for nearly 3 years and I'm still very happy with HDO, Rida and the rest of the HDO crew. I find the articles clear and informative. The PT (Portfolio Tracker) is excellent and gives a lot of information. I'm retired andHDO is very reasonable for excellent financial dividend investment advice."

A Happy HDO Investor!

"I bought into this service at the end of 2018 when the market had a big dip so I consider myself fortunate enough to be more than 15% up within 10 months. If you bottom feed from the BUY UNDER recommendations and have the patience to listen, build the right picks, hold for gains and reap the rich dividends in the meantime then the HDO strategy is for you! My only regret is not having started sooner with HDO. I'm very happy thus far with the service and would recommend it to family and friends looking for a relatively safe investment service which includes a great chatroom of advisers to help you out at all times and constant email updates with plenty of great buys."

HDO = Retirement in Boca not, Bayonne

"I tried managing my own portfolio and had mixed success. Since I've gone with HDO I sleep like a baby. It's taken off the pressure of finding and monitoring investments. HDO are experts at this. I'm not. I got lucky a few times and very unlucky other times. If finding and monitoring investments isn't one of your core competencies: let HDO do it for you."

GB Pennsylvania

"I love it, making money. The first pick paid for sign up. 100% happy."

For people preparing for retirement or already retired, this is by far the best service I've used.

"For years I've been a member of the Oxford Club. 14 years ago I paid my $5000 to be a "chairman's circle" member to get access to all of their research and recommendations. This "club" has lost their way and has gone Rogue and spend entirely too much time on Crystal Cruises, etc. Recently I began to read Seeking Alpha and zeroed in on Mowra's and Brad Thomas' research. Within 8 weeks I've migrated my portfolio with few exceptions to 75% High Div Opps and 10% Brad and 15% my own long term picks, which not surprisingly coincide with High Dv Opp. Very pleased with the results so far and I've increased my various portfolios income by 27%!!! The thing that separates this group from others is their open discussions. Well done to the whole HDO team."

HDO = Retirement in Boca not, Bayonne

"I tried managing my own portfolio and had mixed success. Since I've gone with HDO I sleep like a baby. It's taken off the pressure of finding and monitoring investments. HDO are experts at this. I'm not. I got lucky a few times and very unlucky other times. If finding and monitoring investments isn't one of your core competencies: let HDO do it for you."

HDO Strategy is Key

"Rida and the team perform the excellent service of explaining the HDO strategy. I have been a member for over a year and it has taken me that long to internalize the strategy and appreciate the details and risks. My focus has transitioned from growth stocks to growing my dividends."

A Really Good Service

"Rida and his team seem really thorough and are on it constantly with portfolio updates, market updates and insightful responses and posts on the blog. He offers subscribers a chance to get a high yield on their money with a broad array of diversity. I think the service is really good value for money for anyone interested in high yield investing."

Thanks to all on this site

"I would recommend this site to anyone. I have been exposed to stocks, bonds, preferred stock and baby bonds that I would have never known about. I joined on April 3, 2019 after following for several months. I waited to do a review so I would be more familiar with the site. I am still learning but there is always someone to help. Since April my account is up 3.9% but my income (real money) is up 53% annually. A few investments have lost value but are still providing income."

High Yield Investing at its finest

"Rida and his staff do an excellent job, I have subscribed to several investment newsletters and HDO is the best. Their thoughtful analysis is a welcome relief in these turbulent times. With Ridas advice, I feel like I maybe able to actually retire some day!"

HDO = Retirement in Boca not, Bayonne

"I tried managing my own portfolio and had mixed success. Since I've gone with HDO I sleep like a baby. It's taken off the pressure of finding and monitoring investments. HDO are experts at this. I'm not. I got lucky a few times and very unlucky other times. If finding and monitoring investments isn't one of your core competencies: let HDO do it for you."

Join the largest community of Income Investors and start generating High Dividends TODAY. +7000 members have already joined! Get Access to our Model Portfolio with 8-10% dividend yield.

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How Do I Know It's Good?

More investors have subscribed to High Dividend Opportunities than any other service on the Seeking Alpha platform. Our track record speaks for itself, and our members’ satisfaction is what counts.

Join the largest community of Income Investors and start generating high dividends on your investments TODAY. I am confident that you will love our service! Thousands of satisfied income investors have already joined our group and are earning great returns. I am confident that you will love our service! No one needs to invest alone. — Rida Morwa

Our Service has the most 5-star Reviews across all High Yield services with +300 reviews.

You can read all our reviews by CLICKING HERE.

5 Star Service
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